As I sit here on a Sunday morning having a bowl of squash soup and thinking about politics of the day and football of the afternoon....Becca works diligently in the kitchen making homemade apple sauce and apple crostada from the apples we hand picked at the orchard down the road and yummy smells permeate everything. Here I am, too, saying a silent prayer that Americans don't get overly distracted with all of the other things amongst fall festivals and sports to remember our very lives/way of life is on the line coming up on Nov 2nd.
It's true folks, look at all that's going on...Oktoberfest was just held in Appleton Friday & Saturday; Apple picking & pumpkin harvesting are underway; Halloween is on the way! Besides that, we've got college football(the Badgers won yesterday), NFL football(Packers vs Bears in Monday Night Football....Go Packers!!), The Chase for the Cup in NASCAR, and I still want to get out and play some more golf before the snow flies(Sorry for that dirtly little four letter word, folks.It won't happen again!)
So....tell me, please....Tell me that with all that's going on that you won't disregard the politics of the day and our upcoming elections on Nov 2nd! Are you fed up enough with the "business as usual" and corruption that run amok in our state & federal governments. Honestly? I sometimes think there are those of you out there paying "lip service" to it all, but haven't got the foggiest idea of who you're going to vote for yet or what these candidates stand for. Believe me....I know you all have alot on your plates with work (or lack thereof it), family and kids, after-school activities...BUT, can you afford to "wing it" and get down to Nov 1st and say, "Holy crap! What now??..Who the hell are all of these people and what are we going to do now?"
Let's see...We've got the Democratic Party (Lefties & crooks--the bunch of them), the Republican Party(the Grand Olde Party...running from lukewarm to red-hot anything from moderate to right wing---yes, I'm sure we've got some crooks and just too comfortably entrenched folks, too), Libertarians(God help me, I don't know much about them and don't want to), and the Tea Party( a group of common men, Constitutionalist and Patriots who've had enough and say business as usual is just not going to get it any more). A plethora of choices, yes, but also, some very smart choices, as well as, so-so choices and lousy choices. Can you differentiate the differences?
What issues are most important for you? Are you Pro-Life and wanting to stop abortion? Are you for Nullification and States' Rights? How about Immigration or Health Care reform or the Repeal of things passed or still pending? 2nd Amendment Rights and against the government's attempts at grabbing those rights and your guns?
OR are you simply fed up and determined not to let Socialists and Communist continue their power grab and destruction of our American way of life? We've all got our "issues" and opinions on them......My point is that you need to decide your points, stand on those points and make your choices. It's time for America to unite and stop all of this racist, divisive bickering that's driving America into the ground and splitting the parties....I won't tell you how to vote any more than you can tell me. But I'm proud to be American and we need to save the ability to be that first....and then we can get out and change the rest.
See you on election day....Take your "responsibilities" seriously....Have fun with the new season of fall and all of it's activities, but do your due diligence and exercise your rights as a citizen to make a difference and bring about the changes America so desperately needs. Vote once and NOT OFTEN like some of our Democratic countrymen will attempt to do in usurping the laws with illegals and dead folks included in the balloting.