Many times during the year, I find it necessary to just sit back and reflect on the many things I'm grateful for in life and how far God has brought me. But on Thanksgiving Day as I sit here next to Becca, watching the football game and posting some Thanksgiving cheer to my friends, I find it's time I voice some of the things I'm thankful for and perhaps it will cause you some personal reflection time, too.
While I was home alone this morning, I posted to Becca's wall the she is my greatest blessing in the world, I must acknowledge and give thanks to One Who is Greater and without Whom, I would not have my relationship with Becca or anything else in life today. To you, Lord Jesus...my Father in Heaven, be all praise and glory as well as my continous gratitude.
What are you grateful for today? For me, there are many things and I'd like to list at least ten(10)for you and in turn I'd ask that you write down 10 of your own which perhaps you'll share with me....or perhaps you won't.
I'm thankful for:
1. The salvation from Jesus that assures me by His blood that my soul has been washed clean and that I can share eternity with Him.
2. For Becca and that we are like "two peas in a pod".
3. For my family.....my brother, Stephen and his wife Laurie, for my son, Brian Shawn, his wife, Jen and my grandson, Anthony.
4. For 13+ years of sobriety and the realization that it is only by God's grace that I continue day by day to grow in it.
5. My job and that I enjoy immensely what I do during economic times where I realize, too, that I could just as easily be among those who have no work and struggle daily to figure out how they'll keep a roof over their heads/food on the table.
6. For the home I have and for the food I eat....On this day, we give thanks with a feast, but we remember that there are many who go hungry yet in this world, too.
7. For friends who encourage me and who don't let me take myself too seriously.
8. For the country I live in and the freedoms we have or fight for in maintaining them. Let us never forget that there are many who do not even have the right to pray openly or to voice dissent.
9. For the men & women who serve in the military for our country and lay thier lives on the line daily to preserve the freedoms we have. For all who've served and will serve and my gratitude that I've been able to serve, as well.
10. For our political processes and our government that while not perfect is subject to the mandate of We the People and that so many take their responsibilities as citizens seriously enough to speak up/stand up to be counted when something is not right. From that, a huge gratitude for all of the wonderful people I've come to meet in the process.
So there you have it my friends....I ask again..What are you thankful? I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and God's blessings upon all of you. My thanks to you all for your friendship and fellowship. May you have safe travels and a plentiful feast on this day and everyday.
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